• Understanding Quadrilaterals  | Study

    Understanding Quadrilaterals | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap A quadrilateral has 10 parts – 4 sides, 4 angles and 2 diagonals. Five measurements can determine a quadrilateral uniquely. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Curve: Curve is a figure formed on a plane surface by joining a…

  • CBSE 8 | Mathematics – Study – Premium

    CBSE 8 | Mathematics – Study – Premium

    Educational Tools | Full Course Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Assessment Tools Assign, Assess & Analyse

  • Direct And Inverse Proportions  | Study

    Direct And Inverse Proportions | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Direct and Inverse Proportions | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Variations: If the values of two quantities depend on each other in such a way that a change in one causes corresponding change in the other, then the two quantities are said to be in variation. (Scroll down to continue…

  • Factorisation  | Study

    Factorisation | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Factorisation: Representation of an algebraic expression as the product of two or more expressions is called factorization. Each such expression is called a factor of the given algebraic expression. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content When we factorise an…

  • Introduction to Graphs | Study

    Introduction to Graphs | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Graphical presentation of data is easier to understand. Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Introduction to Graphs A line graph displays data that changes continuously over periods of time. A line graph which is a whole unbroken line is called a linear graph. For…

  • Exponents And Powers  | Study

    Exponents And Powers | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Exponents and Powers | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Numbers with exponents obey the following laws of exponents.  Very small numbers can be expressed in standard form using negative exponents. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Use of Exponents to Express Small Number in…

  • Data Handling  | Study

    Data Handling | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Data Handling | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Data Handling: Deals with the process of collecting data, presenting it and getting result. Data mostly available to us in an unorganised form is called raw data. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Grouped data can…

  • Squares And Square Roots | Study

    Squares And Square Roots | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Squares and Square Roots | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Square: Number obtained when a number is multiplied by itself. It is the number raised to the power 2. 22 = 2 x 2=4(square of 2 is 4). If a natural number m can be expressed as n2, where n…

  • Cubes And Cube Roots | Study

    Cubes And Cube Roots | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Cubes and Cube Root | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Cube number: Number obtained when a number is multiplied by itself three times. 23 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8, 33 = 3 x 3 x 3=27, etc. Numbers like 1729, 4104, 13832, are known as Hardy –…

  • Comparing Quantities | Study

    Comparing Quantities | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Comparing Quantities | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Ratio: Comparing by division is called ratio. Quantities written in ratio have the sameunit. Ratio has no unit. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Equality of two ratios is called proportion. Product of extremes = Product…

  • Algebraic Expressions And Identities | Study

    Algebraic Expressions And Identities | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Algebraic Expressions and Identities | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Expressions are formed from variables and constants. Constant: A symbol having a fixed numerical value. Example: 2,, 2.1, etc. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Variable: A symbol which takes various numerical values. Example:…

  • Rational Numbers | Study

    Rational Numbers | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Rational Numbers | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Rational numbers are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication, But not in division. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content The operations addition and multiplication are(i) commutative for rational numbers. (ii) associative for rational…

  • Linear Equations In One Variable   | Study

    Linear Equations In One Variable | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap A statement of equality of two algebraic expressions involving one or more variables. Example: x + 2 = 3 Linear Equation in One variable: The expressions which form the equation that contain single variable and the highest power of the variable in the equation is…

  • CBSE 9 | Mathematics – Study – Premium

    CBSE 9 | Mathematics – Study – Premium

    Educational Tools | Full Course Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Assessment Tools Assign, Assess & Analyse



    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Lines And Angles | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Basic Terms And Definitions 1. Point – A Point is that which has no component. It is represented by a dot. A point is shown with a capital letter. Examples: A, B, C ….. Colinear And Non-colinear Points 5. Collinear points:…



    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Quadrilaterals | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Quadrilateral Any closed polygon with four sides, four angles and four vertices are called Quadrilateral. It could be regular or irregular. (Sroll down to continute …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Revision Notes – CBSE  09 Math – Quadrilaterals Angle Sum…



    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Heron’s Formula | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Perimeter Perimeter is defined as the outside boundary of any closed shape.  To calculate the perimeter of a given shape we need to add all the sides of the shape. Example: The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of its all…



    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Introduction to Euclid Geometry The necessity of geometry had been felt from ancient times in different parts of the world. The practical problems faced by people of ancient civilization had developed this branch of mathematics. Let us cite few examples. With floods in the river,…



    Pre – Requisites Test & Enrich Speed Notes Notes For Quick Coverage Introduction to Natural Numbers Non-negative counting numbers excluding zero are called Natural Numbers. N = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ………. Whole Numbers All natural numbers including zero are called Whole Numbers. W = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ……………. (Scroll down…



    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Linear Equations in Two Variables | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Linear Equations The equation of a straight line is the linear equation. It could be in one variable or two variables. Linear Equation in One Variable The equation with one variable in it is known as a Linear Equation…



    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Coordinate Geometry: Cartesian Plane | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Cartesian System A plane formed by two number lines, one horizontal and the other vertical, such that they intersect each other at their zeroes, and then they form a Cartesian Plane. Scroll Down To Continue … Study Tools Audio, Visual…



    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Revision Notes on Polynomials Polynomial A polynomial is an algebraic expression that includes constants, variables, and exponents. It is the expression in which the variables have only positive integral powers. Example 1. 4×3 + 3×2 + x +3…

  • CIRCLES | Study

    CIRCLES | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Circles | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Introduction to Circles There are many objects in our life which are round in shape. A few examples are the clock, dart board, cartwheel, ring, Vehicle wheel, Coins, etc. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Circles Interior…

  • TRIANGLES | Study

    TRIANGLES | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Triangles | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Similar Geometric Figures: Two geometric figures which are the same in shape, such that one is simply a copy of the other on a smaller scale or a larger scale, are called similar geometric figures. Two geometric figures are said to be similar…

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