Tag: Data Handling



    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Data Handling | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Data: A collection of numbers gathered to give someinformation. Recording Data:Data can becollected from different sources. Pictograph: The representation of data through pictures of objects. It helps answer the questions onthe data ata glance. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio,…

  • Data Handling | Study

    Data Handling | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Data Handling | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap The collection, recording and presentation of data help us organiseour experiences and draw inferences from them. Before collecting data we need to know what we would use it for. The data that is collected needs to be organised in a propertable, so…

  • Data Handling  | Study

    Data Handling | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Data Handling | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Data Handling: Deals with the process of collecting data, presenting it and getting result. Data mostly available to us in an unorganised form is called raw data. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Grouped data can…

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