• Data Handling  | Study

    Data Handling | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Data Handling | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Data Handling: Deals with the process of collecting data, presenting it and getting result. Data mostly available to us in an unorganised form is called raw data. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Grouped data can…

  • Squares And Square Roots | Study

    Squares And Square Roots | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Squares and Square Roots | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Square: Number obtained when a number is multiplied by itself. It is the number raised to the power 2. 22 = 2 x 2=4(square of 2 is 4). If a natural number m can be expressed as n2, where n…

  • Cubes And Cube Roots | Study

    Cubes And Cube Roots | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Cubes and Cube Root | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Cube number: Number obtained when a number is multiplied by itself three times. 23 = 2 x 2 x 2 = 8, 33 = 3 x 3 x 3=27, etc. Numbers like 1729, 4104, 13832, are known as Hardy –…

  • Comparing Quantities | Study

    Comparing Quantities | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Comparing Quantities | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Ratio: Comparing by division is called ratio. Quantities written in ratio have the sameunit. Ratio has no unit. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Equality of two ratios is called proportion. Product of extremes = Product…

  • Algebraic Expressions And Identities | Study

    Algebraic Expressions And Identities | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Algebraic Expressions and Identities | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Expressions are formed from variables and constants. Constant: A symbol having a fixed numerical value. Example: 2,, 2.1, etc. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Variable: A symbol which takes various numerical values. Example:…

  • Rational Numbers | Study

    Rational Numbers | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Rational Numbers | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Rational numbers are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication, But not in division. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content The operations addition and multiplication are(i) commutative for rational numbers. (ii) associative for rational…

  • Linear Equations In One Variable   | Study

    Linear Equations In One Variable | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap A statement of equality of two algebraic expressions involving one or more variables. Example: x + 2 = 3 Linear Equation in One variable: The expressions which form the equation that contain single variable and the highest power of the variable in the equation is…

  • CBSE 10 | Science – Study – Free

    CBSE 10 | Science – Study – Free

    Educational Tools | Full Course Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content Assessment Tools Assign, Assess & Analyse

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