Tag: Rational Numbers

  • Rational Numbers | Study

    Rational Numbers | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Rational Numbers | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Rational Number: A number that can be expressed in the form (Scroll down to continue …) Audio, Visual & Digital Content 14. Every positive rational number is greater than zero. 15. Every negative rational number is less than zero. 16. The rational…

  • Rational Numbers | Study

    Rational Numbers | Study

    Pre-Requisires Test & Enrich Rational Numbers | Speed Notes Notes For Quick Recap Rational numbers are closed under the operations of addition, subtraction and multiplication, But not in division. (Scroll down to continue …) Study Tools Audio, Visual & Digital Content The operations addition and multiplication are(i) commutative for rational numbers. (ii) associative for rational…

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