
Share/AssignMind Map Overal Idea Content Speed Notes Quick Coverage Elements are classified as metals and non-metals based on different properties. The properties of metals and non-metals are given in the form of table below- Metals Non-metals Metals are lustrous, that is, they have a property to shine. They are not lustrous, that is, they do… readmore

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Elements are classified as metals and non-metals based on different properties. The properties of metals and non-metals are given in the form of table below-

Metals are lustrous, that is, they have a property to shine.They are not lustrous, that is, they do not have shining surface. except, graphite and iodine
All metals exist as solids except mercury which is liquid at room temperature.They are generally soft, except diamond. 
They can be drawn into wires, this is known as Ductility.They are non-ductile.
Metals can be converted into sheets, this is known as Malleability, except mercuryThey are non-malleable 
They are good conductors of electricity and heat. Except Lead and mercury.They are poor conductors of electricity and heat. Exception-graphite is good conductor of electricity
They have high density and high melting point. Exception-sodium and potassium have low melting pointsThey have low density compared to metals and low melting point except Diamond which has high melting point

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