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Share/AssignMind Map Overal Idea Content Speed Notes Quick Coverage Polynomial A polynomial is an algebraic expression that includes constants, variables, and exponents. It is the expression in which the variables have only positive integral powers. Example 1. 4×3 + 3×2 + x +3 is a polynomial in variable x. 2. 4×2 + 3x-1 – 4… readmore

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A polynomial is an algebraic expression that includes constants, variables, and exponents. It is the expression in which the variables have only positive integral powers.


1. 4x3 + 3x2 + x +3 is a polynomial in variable x.

2. 4x2 + 3x-1 – 4 is not a polynomial as it has negative power.

3. 3x3/2 + 2x – 3 is not a polynomial.Polynomials

2 is the constant term, which has no variable.(Scroll down till end of the page)

Polynomials are denoted by p (x), q (x), etc.

In the above polynomials, 2x2, 3y, and 2 are the terms of the polynomial.

2 and 3 are the coefficients of x2 and y, respectively.

x and y are the variables.

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