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Share/AssignWritten Examination Syllabus for the post of Trained Graduate Teacher in Residential Educational Institutions Societies. Paper- 1 | General Studies, General Abilities, & Basic Proficiency In English General Studies, General Abilities, & Basic Proficiency In English Section-I: General Studies Current Affairs – Regional, National & International. Indian Constitution: Indian Political System; Governance and Public Policy.…
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Written Examination Syllabus for the post of Trained Graduate Teacher in Residential Educational Institutions Societies.
General Studies, General Abilities, & Basic Proficiency In English
Section-I: General Studies
Current Affairs – Regional, National & International.
Indian Constitution: Indian Political System; Governance and Public Policy.
Social Exclusion: Rights issues such as Gender, Caste, Tribe, Disability etc.and inclusive policies.
Society Culture, Civilization Heritage, Arts and Literature of India and Telangana.
General Science: India’s Achievements in Science and Technology
Environmental Issues: Disaster Management – Prevention and Mitigation Strategies and Sustainable Development.
Economic and Social Development of India and Telangana.
Socio-economic, Political and Cultural History of Telangana with special emphasis on Telangana Statehood Movement and formation of Telangana state.
Section-II: General Abilities
Analytical Abilities: Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation.
Moral Values and Professional Ethics in Education.
Teaching Aptitude Section – III: Basic Proficiency in English
i) School Level English Grammar:
Articles; Tense; Noun & Pronouns; Adjectives; Adverbs; Verbs; Modals;
Subject-Verb Agreement; Non-Finites; reported speech; Degrees of
Comparison; Active and Passive Voice; Prepositions; Conjunctions;
ii) Vocabulary:
Synonyms and Antonyms; Phrasal Verbs; Related Pair of Words; Idioms and Phrases; Proverbs.
iii) Words and Sentences :
Use of Words; Choosing Appropriate words and Words often Confused;
Sentence Arrangement, Completion, Fillers and Improvement;
Transformation of Sentences; Comprehension; Punctuation; Spelling Test; Spotting of Errors.
Teaching Methodology Of Biological Sciences
1. The Nature of Biological Sciences and its Historical Development including the
contributions of important Biologists given in the school textbooks. Importance of Biological Sciences in School Curriculum
2. Values, Aims and Objectives of Teaching Biological Sciences
3. Child Development; Psychology of Teaching and Learning Biological Sciences
4. Biological Sciences Curriculum : Construction ,Organization and Development
5. Approaches, Methods and Techniques of Teaching Biological Sciences with special reference to Living World; Cell &Tissues; Plant World; Animal World; Our Environment ; Heredity &Genetics ; Evolution and Applied Biology
6. Planning for Effective Instruction in Biological Sciences: Different Plans and Designing Learning Experiences.
7. Learning Resources and Designing Instructional Material in Biological Sciences; Biological Science Labs; Teaching Aids ; Textbooks; ICT in Biological Sciences
8. Measurement and Evaluation in Biological Sciences: Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE); Tools and Techniques of Evaluation; Achievement and Diagnostic Tests.
9. Learning Disabilities/Difficulties and Education of Exceptional/ Disabled Children in Biological Sciences
10. Biological Sciences and Everyday Life; Non-formal Biological Sciences Education.
Biological Sciences Subject Contents
1. Biological Sciences: Its importance and human welfare, Branches of Biology, Biologists, Reputed Biological Institutions in India.
2. Living World: Life and its Characteristics, Classification of Living Organisms Microbial World : Virus, Bacteria, Algae, Fungi and Protozoan, Useful and Harmful Micro-organisms.
3. Cell &Tissues: Cell – Structural and Functional unit of life. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cell, Structure of Eukaryotic Cell, Cell Organelles, Biomolecules, Differences between Plant Cell and Animal Cell, Cell Division – Mitosis and Meiosis, Tissues – Structure, Functions and Types of Plant and Animal tissues.
4. Plant World: Morphology of a Typical Plant – Root, Stem, Leaf, Flower, Inflorescence, Fruit – their Structure, Types and Functions, Parts of a Flower,
Modifications of Root, Stem and Leaf, Photosynthesis, Transpiration, Transportation (Ascent of Sap), Respiration, Excretion and Reproduction in Plants, Plant Hormones, Economic importance of Plants, Wild and Cultivated Plants, Agricultural Operations, Crop diseases and Control measures, Improvement in Crop yield,
Storage, Preservation and Protection of Food and Plant Products.
5. Animal World: Organs and Organ Systems including man – Their Structure and Functions Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory, Excretory, Nervous, Control and Coordination, Sensory perception and Reproduction, Need for reproductive health and prevention of STD, birth control- Need and methods of contraception and MTP, Amniocentesis, infertility and assisted reproductive technologies – IVF –ET – ZIFT, GIFT.
6. Sense Organs: Structure and Functions of Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue and Skin. Nutrition in man – Digestion and absorption – Breathing and Respiration in humans – Nutrients and their functions, Balanced Diet, Deficiency diseases, Tropical diseases, Skin diseases, Blindness in man: Causes, Prevention and Control, Health agencies, First Aid – Bites: Insect, Scorpion and Snakes. Wild and Domesticated Animals.
7. Our Environment: Abiotic and Biotic factors and Ecosystems, Natural Resources – Classification, Judicial use of Renewable, Non-renewable and Alternative Resources, Forests, Wild Life – Conservation, Sanctuaries, National Parks in India, Bio-Geochemical Cycles, Pollution – Air, Water, Soil and Sound, Global Environmental issues – Global Warming (Green House Effect), Acid Rains, Depletion of Ozone layer and scarcity of water.
8. Heredity and Genetics:- Mendel’s laws of inheritance, Pleiotropy, Multiple alleles: Inheritance of blood groups and Rh-factor, dominance (Blood groups as example), Elementary idea of polygenic inheritance; Skin colour in humans (refer Sinnott, Dunn and Dobzhansky); Sex determination – in humans – Sex linked inheritance – Haemophilia, Color blindness; Mendalian disorders in humans: Thalassemia, Haemophilia, Sickle celled anemia, cystiefibrosis PKU, Alkaptonuria; Chromosomal disorders – Down’s syndrome, Turner’s syndrome and Kilnefelter syndrome; Genome, Human Genome Project and DNA Finger Printing. Gene Bank, Gene flow and genetic drift; Variations (mutations and genetic recombination).
9. Evolution: Origin of Life, Biological evolution and Evidences for biological evolution (paleontological, comparative anatomical, embryological and molecular evidences); Theories of evolution: Lamarckism, Darwin’s theory of Evolution – Natural Selection, Mutation Theory of Hugo De Vries; Modern synthetic theory of Evolution – Hardy-Weinberg Law; Types of Natural Selection; Adaptive radiation – Human evolution; Speciation – Allopatric, sympatric; Reproductive isolation.
10. Applied Biology: Animal Husbandry: Apiculture, Pisciculture, Poultry management, Dairy management; Animal breeding; Bio-medical Technology: Diagnostic Imaging
(X-ray, CT scan, MRI), ECG, EEG; Biotechnology – its importance for human welfare – Human insulin and vaccine production; Gene Therapy; Transgenic animals; ELISA: vaccines, MABs, Cancer biology, Stem Cells.
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